Some images and the press release from my solo show at Rise last May...
According to the writer Kurt Vonnegut an epiphany or moment of true realisation occurs not when we apprehend God (reality, society, capitalism...) but during those very rare moments when it lets go of it's almost permanent grip.
This new series of paintings and works on paper by the Irish artist Stephen Dunne explore ink blots, stains and random marks which are used to generate a universe of delirious narrativity.
Through these ruptures in the blank canvas a generative space emerges where the artist can manifest strange gods and monsters, manifestations from the collective unconscious, crystallised enunciations and progressive mutant subjectivities .
A world of phantasms occupying and transmitting from the state of dream, the strangeness of being, of dissolved time and energy trapped in paint. These works attempt to locate those precious moments of anti-epiphany, in all your favourite colours.....